What is Binge Eating?
Is this the same as eating three good meals each day? Eating one meal that is the same amount of food as three? No it isn't. It isn't because of the way that the body digests the food. All day long you have starved your body of what it needs, it can't handle everything at once. All you are doing is over loading your body. The real risk of bingeing is this. You will end up eating things that you shouldn't be eating. You will end up eating a ton of fast food or other food that is high and fat and easy to obtain. Why is this?
This is because you are so hungry, you have to eat something now. This tends to be whatever you can get your hands on. Generally, it will be something that isn't good for you. This is why it is important that you eat all three of your meals. You can snack in between those meals too. You want to make sure though that your snacks are healthy ones. Did you know that most doctors say that snacking is good for you? It gives you some energy when you are feeling like you are running on empty.
The key thing to remember is to eat healthy snacks. Eat things that make your feel good, not things that are loaded with fat. Things that are loaded with fat will only make you feel drained and make you want to snack more. If you are having problems eating three meals a day, you really need to work on your diet. This is because you don't want to binge eat.
Binge eating will only hurt you in the long run. Don't believe me? Look at it like this. You know what will happen if you don't eat all day long. You will get hungry and you will get the shakes. If you start to get the shakes you will go for whatever that you can to make it stop.
Here is what I do to help me eat three meals a day.
I start off by making my lunch before I go to bed. I do this because I won't do it when I wake up in the morning. I try my best just to get my clothes on and get out the door in good time so I am not late for work. I also pack some snacks for me to eat at work. I might put some veggie sticks and some fruit in little plastic bags. I love to eat these as snacks while I am at work.
When it comes to breakfast, I try to think in advance what I want to eat. I will have all of the things that I need on hand incase I decide that I want something different. Will I want an omlet? I always have some cut veggies in the ice box incase I do. That way all I have to do is throw them in the pan and cook away. It takes the same amount of time to cook that as it would to cook anything else. I do the same with dinner. I will try to prepare whatever I can the day before. This way if I am too tired, all I have to do is put the stuff together. I might also make dinner while I am making my lunch.
What do you mean make my dinner before I go to bed? Well, don't have a cow. What I will do is prepare all of the things that I need in advance. I do this when I am using the crock pot. I just put the stuff in the crock pot in the morning before I go to work. I set it and then I head off to work. When I get home, I have a hot meal waiting for me. I can time it so that almost right after I walk in the door I have something hot to eat. Try it, you will be amazed.
Eating three meals a day isn't that hard. If you put your mind into it, you can do it fairly easily. All you have to do is be prepared. If you feel that you can't do it, buy one of those event planners. Make a schedule for everything that you want to do.
If you are not used to eating raw vegetables everyday, this may be a cause of diarrhea. Understand that your body will adjust to the vegetables and the intestinal side effects wont last forever. Make sure you are chewing your raw vegetables thoroughly. Also, using lightly steamed vegetables rather than raw can be a solution to this problem.
Intestinal problems are common during the first portion of the Atkins diet. Keep in mind, however, that these problems will go away within the first few weeks of the new way of eating. If the problems persist, try the previously mentioned tips to get relief.